Endless sky ships text
Endless sky ships text

endless sky ships text

No, merely the touch of a tool, to be repaired by we who Tend to broken worlds. No war of gun or blade was done to harm these places. "Our wings taste familiar winds on the spheres. Did you learn anything else, like what drove the Hai away?" I pressed. "So, the ruins had Old Chitter in them, and you studied them to learn the language. "Indeed those called Hai once named these spheres as theirs, but that was in the long ago, an age long before the Eye opened upon this sight," he answered. "So these worlds, the ones in this area, really did once belong to the Hai?" I ask, and the avian nods. We took from the remnants the words of those who passed, and then began to add life once more unto these spheres," responded Iktat, and it took me a moment to parse what he'd said, as the phrasing was odd, still, what he said made me think of the Coth's words when he spoke of this past. When the Eye gazed upon these world, it beheld the death that comes of stone and steel. "Ah, such words are known to our beaks by what remained. Why do you speak the Holy Tongue of Old Chitter? One would assume you learned it from the Unfettered, and yet, that language is not something taught outside the priesthood," asks Sayari before I can voice your own pressing questions. "Alright, let's get the big one out of the way first. My companions and I did likewise, save the droid that just stood. Let them flow, and we shall stem the tide with knowledge," said the Wanderer as he took a perch on an odd hanging thing from the ceiling. "You have many questions on your tongues about our flights. After every ship is linked up, I, a droid, Bandit, Sayari, and Joe walked with Iktat to a small building built into the cliff, and sit in what I can only guess is some kind of office or meeting room. After that, you begin to trade basic ship information as the remainder of your fleet is given berths, refueling them using the mimetic polyalloy to allow interface with the oddly designed pumps of the Wanderers.

endless sky ships text

You don't try to mimic the gesture, as you lack the wings, but instead bow your head. This one is proud to be known to you as Iktat Rek," says the Wanderer in a masculine sounding voice, before flaring out his wings, revealing his two small arms beneath them.

endless sky ships text

"This one hears and knows your words, Human Sage. "Hello, do you understand me?" I ask, and I can literally see the edges of the beak curl upwards in a smile. It engulfs the thing in silver goo for a moment, before making some odd noises that sound like bird screeches, and then motions towards the Wanderer who'd handed me the disk.

endless sky ships text

Your AI should be able to use it to translate their words to your tongue," says the female Hai, and I nod, handing the thing to one of the droids beside us. "This holds their language, a basic course on it at any rate. Luckily whoever they were, they spoke at length to Sayari, and after a long bit of that, one of them offered what looked like a disk to me. Of course, that was impossible to tell, considering while I could see differences between Wanders, like color and plumage, I had not made a note to remember the details of the ones that had met me before. Landing on the Wanderer world again a week later, I found myself greeted by what I assumed were the same eight who'd met me before.

Endless sky ships text